News and events

Careers NSW Town Hall

Careers NSW would like to thank everyone who attended our recent Town Hall events and shared their thoughts on complementary career guidance services for school students and their parents/guardians.

Your contributions are important, and will be used to inform the trial of career guidance services for schools and their stakeholders that will complement existing career advice in schools.

Career guidance services for schools

Careers NSW is currently working on the planning and delivery of a trial of career guidance services for schools that will complement existing career advice in schools. The trial will be an important step in shaping the full service and we want to ensure many voices contribute to its development.

To ensure the service meets the needs of students and their parents/guardians Careers NSW conducted Town Hall consultations with the community, inviting everyone with an interest in this service to attend and share their thoughts and ideas.

We greatly appreciate the input received and are currently reviewing your valuable contributions and how they may be incorporated into the school trial service. A summary of key insights will be shared here when available.

Careers NSW has a commitment to listening to the community and their needs and further consultations may be available and updated here.

If you would like further information please contact us at

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